Israel-Palestine Solution

Publishing soon.

Painting Description:

Walking on Water, by Ivan Aivazovsky, painted in 1888 during the Russian Empire under Tsar Alexander III. A native of Crimea on the coast of the Black Sea, and Russia’s most prominent seascape painter, Aivazovsky’s frequent theme of Christianity linked the Russian waterbodies to those of the Holy Land. Here, a suggestion of the Black Sea’s importance as equivalent to the Sea of Galilee.

Here, the solution to Israel / Palestine. It is presented first in explanation and then in re-delineation of the region.

Like the Korea Solution and the Solution for the Ukraine, the re-delineation addresses the impossibility of a 2-part solution.

The 2-parts which sets in place a perpetual head-to-head face off, the dynamics of tug of war, and eventually, permanent stalemate. The lesson of the Korean War is that this does not work, and entrenches both sides.

A “2+7” regions solution is presented instead, wherein 2 regions take on the needed symbolism of parity of Israel and Palestine. Then 7 additional regions to prevent negative effects that would be had if leaving it at 2 regions alone.

Again, native leaders of renown, native stakeholders and non-native stakeholders, all shall play a role in keeping in place, a permanent peace. More so, a sustainable peace of benefit to all parties, including the lesser-famous of the region, as there are now many actors in the region. Ignoring them heretofore that led to the Gaza invasion by Hamas.

Once again, the re-delineation is grounded by an external force, the one not political. The grounding in geologic history of Korea, but also, the empathy borne of such geologies too. Thus a care for the region that is indeed, not based in politics (and geopolitical maneuvering), but as a region that has been long subject to the same.

Thus do we begin with background description, and why the painting.

Pictured above, the coast of the Black Sea at Crimea. What this has to do with the Israel / Palestine solution, briefly described here.

I begin by returning to the date of the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, on the date 5/14.

Within the date are seen the same numbers seen in the year of the Great Schism, 1054 AD, described at length in Solution for the Ukraine.

The truth of the real use of number symbolism by powerful actors, understood by the ancient practice called “gematria”. The numerology of Judaism, in which numbers are believed to have larger meaning.

The existence of the belief also understood by the existence in the Torah and Old Testament of a Book of Numbers, suggesting the belief is more widespread than admitted. In fact is the belief quite fundamental. This is a discussion that exceed this section, but described further in the upcoming TWO SEATS.

The importance of the date 5/14 (as it signifies 1054 AD) is otherwise understood in the following, as shall be explained.

England, the supposed objector to the state of Israel, had also “objected” in 1897 to sending an invitation to Korea to attend its royal ceremony, the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

The “objection” was achieved through the classic English royal device, and sleight of hand, in nonchalance. Thus did the staff of Queen Victoria express to Korea its hesitation to invite Korea at all. After a few rounds of “okay, I guess Korea can attend”, not only did Korea attend, but its chief diplomat was taken on an impressive grand tour.

The top attractions of London, showing off to the Korean ambassador England’s latest technologic developments and advancements, impressive royal buildings, and more. In particular did the ambassador note one of the first institutionalized uses of the telephone. One can imagine England, intensely preparing not so much its carriages and red carpets, but in many late night shifts, getting the telephones installed in time.

In time for the Diamond Jubilee? Or for the very arrival of the Korean envoy, to whom England pretended it could care less whether he attended.

The envoy, who just the year before, had attended the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II wherein he became Emperor of Russia. The Tsar with whom a strong diplomatic alliance was established, as one could characterize as genuine friendship. Thus can we imagine, England’s air of nonchalance to Korea, the following year. The Korean Ambassador noted in his diary, indeed, the cool demeanor and nonchalance, upon personally meeting Queen Victoria.

However in the background, was it known, another revolutionary technology on the rise.

By the 1860s, England had made significant progress in the development of artificial lighting, through British inventor Joseph Swan.

Thomas Edison propelled the technology and by the l880s, merged with Swan to create a new company together.

However did all inventions still fail to produce a light that could reliably burn for a long time, that is, while emitting an adequate amount of light.

A major breakthrough came in the 1890s, by a Russian scientist who had immigrated to the U.S.

The breakthrough of figuring out tungsten. The highest melting point element on earth.

Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin, who prior to arriving to the U.S., had been awarded Russia’s highest science award, enabling him to start his own company. The award that came by way of the Russian royal family, and Lodygin himself was from a long family line of the Russian nobility.

Curiously however, the very year after being awarded Russia’s top science prize and opening his own company, Wikipedia assert that in 1875 Lodygin “was very interested in the socialist ideas of the Nardodniks.” Conveniently for the Wikipedia entry about 1875, the Narodniks assassinated the Tsar in 1881.

Lodygin described as having joined a rebellion group, is believed and taken at face value. This is precisely the point made in Solution for the Ukraine about 20th century frameworks, and their inadequacy in understanding events that are royal in nature. Not to mention, the very kind of “democratic” thinking that think a member of the aristocracy would simply suddenly want to become a socialist — i.e., socialism that likely feels closer to democracy than aristocracy, nobility, and most of all, royalty.

Thus described, a member of the aristocracy, one that earned the top Russian science prize that enabled him to open his own company pursue his passion in science, invention, discovery — woke up one day and decided to throw it all away. Indeed, amid experiments and equations and late night burning the midnight oil instead of the lightbulb he had not yet figured out … Lodygin spent his days at a cafe debating amongst the other intelligentsia in their romanticized ideas of the world. Then all the frustrating nights by dim light, decided better to betray the Russian royal family, not to mention, throw his life work and dump it in the river.

1875, as the Wikipedia page fails to mention, not long after a major financial event in Europe, the Vienna Financial Panic of 1873. The panic had affected the attendance and prestige of the Vienna World Exhibition about to be held, where major inventions and technologies would be debuted. This is a longer story related to the most influential banking family in Austria at the time (Rothschilds) and maneuvers occurring between the U.S., England, Japan.

And on the other side of the world, Korea.

The United States had just attempted an invasion of Korea, in 1871, but failed to convince the Korea leadership (the Queen) to open Korea to the U.S., in the way it had with Japan.

Meanwhile, assassination attempts on the Russian Tsar in 1866, 1879, 1880.

The last attempt in 1881, which led to the Tsar’s death. More so, had a jarring effect on Korea. Not long after the Tsar was assassinated, Korea agreed to sign a trade treaty with the U.S. in 1881.

As the U.S. knew — Korea, a land of gold, and a trove of mineral wealth.

Recall, in the 1880s, innovators of the lightbulb still not quite there yet. However did they at least know it was a matter of figuring out which element, solid or gaseous, could burn brightly for a sustained amount of time.

In the Industrial Revolution, technologic invention was now being viewed by bankers, as a new form of “currency” , i.e., to commercialize and monetize. Hence the twin spiral effect of the Vienna financial panic, and failed World Exhibition event.

However, despite a near collapse of the Viennese banking and financial industry, one banking family of Vienna emerged stronger than before, called the Rothschilds. “Coincidentally” right after the Vienna Panic, another financial center began its decline: Yekaterinburg Russia.

To repeat, Tsar Alexander II endured several attempts on his life in 1866, 1879, 1880, before his assassins were successful in 1881.

We return to the Russian scientist, Lodygin, said to have been expelled from Russia in 1884. The unlikelihood of the story being as simple as that, understood by the following misdirect.

I point out first, a screenshot from the Wikipedia page on the history of the lightbulb.

Next, a screenshot from the Wikipedia page on the Russian scientist Alexander Lodygin.

On the lightbulb page, why isn’t the Russian scientist’s name highlighted in color, which would indicate a link to go to his Wikipedia page? More so, why mis-spelled “Lodyguine” making it more difficult to search on one’s own.

Lodygin who does have a Wikipedia page. However, if you happened to find it, you’d still conclude incorrectly about him, given the claim that he was a member of the assassination group that killed the Tsar.

Thus more likely, was Lodygin set up and framed in some manner, forcing him to leave Russia to the U.S.

However is it unlikely many people read his Wikipedia page, especially when there is no link on the far more frequently read Wikipedia page about a well-known invention, the lightbulb.

That “Lodygin was expelled in 1884” is a fabrication, is understood by the subsequent events of his life.

Of the few who read the page, fewer still are still likely to look beyond the surface and ask: if Russia truly kicked him out in 1884, why did it allow him back in 1907?

If it was sometime after 1917-ish, when the Bolshevik Revolution began, this might be more believable given Lodygin’s previous “rebel inclinations” .

We furthermore know the fabrication since he actually left Russia when the Bolshevik Revolution began, and declined to help the Bolsheviks, i.e., the people with more than rebellious inclinations, but the inclination to brutally execute the Tsar, his wife and 5 children in merciless cold blood.

The last royal family of Russia, executed in the same city of Russia where the Tsars had once established its currency center, Yekaterinburg. The Yekaterinburg region, rich in minerals.

We know the suspicious nature of Lodygin’s death (Brooklyn 1923), given his exceptional intelligence, yet no indication on his page of who were his heirs, or families who continued on after him.

This is understood by a comparison, of others “from Russia.”

I refer to several famous Americans whose names shall go unlisted here. All who despite not having come from an aristocratic line of Russia, indicate on their Wikipedia that their grandparents (etc) came to the United States from the Russian Empire. Somehow I doubt some general Wikipedia person wrote the page of famous wealthy persons, to the point they would write Russian Empire.

Especially since none of those unnamed persons have achieved anything close to what was achieved by the curiously now-unknown Alexander Lodygin. The one, despite being an inventor, is accused of being a political activist, more so, the temperament to participate in a plot to assassinate the Russian royals.

Again, I point out the “democratic” manner of interpreting history, confusing equal intrinsic worth of persons, with equal method in understanding persons. Thus did it assume that all persons behave in “democratic” manner, simply because Wikipedia readers think in such manner.

Thus fail to pick up on the nuances and non-sensicals as pointed out above. Partially also, due to.a psychological resistance to give credit to any person of royal history, unless they are well-known in media.

Thus are they likely to readily believe when a well-known person’s Wikipedia page says their family came from the Russian Empire, despite the person being neither an aristocrat or noble, much less related to the Russian Emperor or his family. And again, though famous, have not come remotely close to inventing, discovering, creating something on the scale of the filament of the light bulb.

Thus we begin to figure out the answer to this question: why do we not know the person who was in fact from the Russian Empire and more so not a traitor to it … and did make such an invention?

For the same reasons the afore-referenced famous U.S. persons in media, finance, politics claim that they are the ones who came from Russia, and more so, the Russian Empire.

The same problematic misrepresentation of history leads to the Israel / Palestine problem. First, another “detour”, back through England. Above, England depicted in the late 1800s when pollution made the air as “thick as pea soup”.

All the more we can assume Queen Victoria wished for England to invent something to cut through it all. A light, to beam through “London fog” — i.e., the poisonous air spewed from England’s many coal stacks, the source of its industrial power. The Victorian Age, contrary to modern romantic impression of parasols and white lace, was an era of unparalleled dirt, grime, filth.

Queen Victoria’s desire to appear pristine and clean instead, understood by the very name of her royal event in 1897 — the Diamond Jubilee.

To be the sparkling “precious stone set in the silver sea” (Shakespeare). But not just to appear sparkling, but also have diamonds. And many other precious elements of earth.

Returning to the Korean envoy, who attended the Diamond Jubilee, despite England’s initial “hesitance” to invite Korea.

Korea, for centuries, known as a place of many minerals. From times of Crusades, and before. Times of Tang Dynasty Silk Road, and beforehand, Korea times of Silla Dynasty. (See TWO SEATS for Korea-China minerals history).

England, however, really only had coal, as remains to this day. (Though let’s see if England suddenly claims to find tungsten, just as Saudi Arabia claimed yesterday, 7/1, to have found more oil).

England along with Napoleon’s nephew and the Ottoman Empire, invaded Russia in 1853. It did so by way of Crimea. The area Americans only recently heard about in the news, despite the Yalta Conference held in Yalta Crimea at the end of WW2.

Thus Crimea being in the news today is not actually new news, but continued news — including the unresolved matter of Yalta, and more so, 1853. Indeed, one of the main reasons FDR and Stalin met in Crimea in the first place.

Including because Crimea also hinted at Korea. Crimea, where is located Sevastopol, the site of Vladimir’s great conquest. However as just described in Solution for the Ukraine, the most important facet of the story is Anna Porphyrogenita and Christianity, enabling her and Vladimir to put Kiev on the Christian map. However also, inadvertently trigger the Great Schism.

As described in TWO SEATS published soon, the destruction of Kiev in the 13th century in the Mongol invasions.

Then came the Korea connection, by way of another Korean envoy, the key predecessor to the 19th century Korean envoy. In fact, it is because of the 13th century envory, that the 19th century one was sent. The 13th century envoy traveled to Kiev, knowing its founding history by way of Crimea.

The Korea-Kiev connection was known by FDR and Stalin — and by Churchill of England, also present at Yalta. The Yalta Conference is described further in TWO SEATS.

Returning to the Korea envoy who attended the Diamond Jubilee. Again: his two trips to Russia, in 1896 and 1897.

On his second trip to Russia, to meet again his now friend, the new Emperor of Russia. The Korean envoy traveled the maritime route from Korea, westwards.

The Korean ambassador is my ancestral clansman. His second trip taken, given the continued encroachment of Japan, who had recently killed the Korea Queen / Empress in 1895.

The Empress, born from a subsequent branch of my family, House of 민 Korea.

My family, the original clan of the entire line of settled across the Han River from China. Thus, from the House of 閔 China, was sent to Korea its first Confucian Ambassador. Korea at the time ruled by the Koryo Dynasty whose palace was at Manwoldae.

The purple region, where my ancestor made his new home. The purple dot, where is my father’s summerhome as a child. The line running through the river, the precise Military Control Line from which is created the approximate 2-mile width buffer zone, the DMZ.

My family from the Han River, not the later clan from which was born the last Queen of Korea, why the Korean ambassador went to Russia — and why he was made Ambassador in the first place.

Thus while the Korea Queen was brutally assassinated by Japan, it is my family that Japan was trying to control.

My family that controlled the minerals in all the areas north and south of the 38th parallel since settling here in the 10th century (997 AD).

How the minerals came to be, including why my ancestor went from being a citizen of China to becoming also one of Korea, explained in TWO SEATS. The reason is one and the same with how his descendants (now citizens of Koryo) came to control something of such vast scale.

Thus while the Korea Queen was brutally assassinated by Japan, it is my family that Japan was trying to control, due to the minerals. My family, that Japan would not dare outwardly kill. Thus the tragedy of the Queen’s death, given that she died as a symbol of my family.

The tragedy, why my grandfather gave me my Korean name, which is 민자영, the same birth name as the Queen’s.

My name, signaling the tragedy to be reversed, the long ancient road to come full circle, and find true resolution today.

The full circle that always included the paths by way of Crimea, Kiev, the Russian capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg. Beforehand, as many do not know, the capital was the city in northern Russia called Novgorod. The original city where began the Kiev history, and then it became Kiev. Kiev later lost to the Mongols, but reclaimed by Ivan the Great in year 1480 AD. In sum, the history of Russia.

My 13th century ancestor, who traveled all of the above cities except Novgorod. Not enough time, as he was on his way to the place where the Mongols were headed — to the Holy Land. This journey and mission is described at length in TWO SEATS.

Without that mission, there would not have been the journey to Russia in the 19th century, by the aforementioned clansmen in 1896 and 1897.

In allusion to the 13th century journey, the 19th century Korean envoy traveled (on his second trip 1897) indeed through Crimea, Kiev, then to St. Petersburg. In effect, in allusion to the importance of the 13th century journey, including to the Holy Land.

Many may find this unbelievable - that a Korean would travel from Korea to the Holy Land in the 13th century. Meanwhile, they readily accept that Marco Polo traveled from Venice to today’s China, i.e., the territory then controlled by Kublai Khan grandson of Genghis Khan of the Mongol / Yuan empire. I.e., the leaders of the Mongol invasions.

Invaders not just of Kiev, but also Korea.

The 20th century however, wiped such a connection off the map — including Korea’s. To this day, no Korean telling of the Mongol invasions mentions the Mongols’ simultaneous invasions of Kiev (and Hungary, Iran and other).

The 20th century that created a certain kind of South Korean populace in particular (given that I write as a US citizen whose ally is South Korea). The one that just before being South Korea had been controlled by Japan for 45 years — and in that time, convenient to Japan, forgot who is my family.

Thus the remembrance, here.

Thus a few last stops before going to the Israel / Palestine delineations. We return to the 1800s.

The Diamond Jubilee of 1897, not only when Queen Victoria wished for England to be the sparkling precious crown of the world, but others who sought to be “diamond” too - through diamond mining.

The Rothschilds, who had just somehow not only survived the Vienna crash, but had more than enough afterwards, to become even more powerful and rich. Not quite at the level and value of the store of minerals in Korea, but sparkling nonetheless. As many do know, the most famous diamond company in the world, De Beers, is founded by the Rothschilds.

De Beers, founded in South Africa in 1888. Recall, the Diamond Jubilee, just the year before.

Later that year, Tsar Alexander III and his family, were riding a train traveling from Crimea to St. Petersburg, when it went off the tracks, killing 21 people. The Tsar and his family managed to survive, but only because the Tsar, summoned in the crisis moment, lifted the train car roof which had collapsed upon them. The surge of adrenaline and energy however, triggered the worsening of his underlying health condition.

As was already known at the time, not only of the mineral wealth in Russia, but specifically within, its diamonds. To this day, Russia one of the largest sources of diamonds in the world.

Thus while it is easy to insinuate the Rothschilds (and/or their associates, the aspiring Japanese Empire and the long-standing British Empire) are behind the accident, we do have the benefit of hindsight now.

Thus do we note again, the 5 assassination attempts on the Tsar’s father, Alexander II, the last attempt which was successful in 1881.

By 1888, his son Tsar Alexander III may have tried to put it behind him, possibly hoping that was the last of his family whom outside forces would try to kill. Alexander III unfortunately, died at the young age of 49, in 1894. The cause to which it was attributed (publicly) is the train accident causing a chain reaction in underlying health issues, triggering a kidney condition.

In fact, the train accident the setting-of-stage, for his assassination pre-determined to occur a few years later. In addition to Japan and England, was the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Austro-Hungary where was located Vienna. The Rothschilds who had been given noble title by an Austrian royal, in 1816. The Austrian who attributed Vienna’s rising prominence as a banking center, to the Rothschilds. However, civil unrest cause the Rothschilds to leave Vienna, and a few years later he died in France in 1855.

The subsequent resentment over this, not only about the financial center it felt it had created for Austria, but indeed, the rail. The transportation that lent distance, trade, travel to the Industrial Revolution. The Rothschilds who had financed the building of one of Austria’s first steam-powered rail.

In 1873, the Panic of Vienna that arrived, and somehow at the moment when was being held, the World Exhibition, the event to showcase Austria’s advancement in technology.

However how would the resentment extend to Russia?

The resentment (of being made a pariah in Vienna causing the Rothschilds to have to leave), was no longer Austria-focused alone. Now it extended to many other places where power and riches accumulated.

While such a statement may simply sound like speculation, it is done on this website, not a conspiratorial site of accusations borne out of thin air, such as seen on places like Reddit etc.

Instead, the “speculations” accompanied with the real Solutions borne of no small effort — and the accumulated histories over several centuries to now.

Thus what is speculation to some, is simple observation to me — that is, the ones formed out of very long history, and not the media sound bites of the 20th century age (or conspiracy sites like Reddit).

Thus whatever I observe and make in statements here, are the same statements that invite others to observe otherwise. However must such observations include explanation as why it has never been made explicit at any time in the past century, that De Beers is founded by the Rothschilds. Why is this not common knowledge by now?

If such an explanation as to why can be made without it being the explanation here, I welcome it. Amid those explanations, simultaneous explanation of why the Rothschilds became the financiers to the Japanese Empire to fund the Japanese invasion of Russia in 1905, the war that led to the final execution of the last Tsar of Russia and his family in 1918. I.e., the Russo-Japanese war that set the stage for their deaths, a few years later.

Returning to the 1888 train accident that a few years later that led to “health issues” and the death of his father Tsar Alexander III in 1894, I return to the Rothschild’s point of pride in Austria, the first steam rail of Austria.

Thus we note that, curiously, rail is the very stage that set the Panic of Vienna to occur.

And it didn’t even have to be the rail in Austria. Instead, could be all the way in the United States. Indeed:

The Panic of 1873 that went around the world, had indeed started in Vienna. (The background photo is St. Petersburg, where Tsar Alexander III was assassinated).

At the time, Russia and Germany were on unfriendly terms, leading Russia to make alliance with France and England. This right here, should tell us something is amiss, as France and England had invaded Russia just a couple decades before, in 1853. However when we consider the several assassination attempts, we begin to understand.

More so, the Rothschilds resentments of Vienna, as mentioned before. If this were not true, I point out again the American examples of prominent US persons whose Wikipedia pages indicate their families are from the Russian Empire. To wit, when people ask me (a bit ignorantly) “where do you come from”, after qualifying I am born in the U.S., I nonetheless still do not go on to say “my family is from the Korean Empire.” I simply say, Korea.

That said, I could say Empire and it actually be true, but still do not. However did I create EMPIRIO, and leave to others to make statements on Wikipedia that they are from “Empire”.

We return to famous US persons of Jewish descent claiming on Wikipedia to being from the Russian Empire, and imagine they might have noticed along the way, a Jewish family in Europe saying they are the first Jewish family to be made Austrian citizens, and nobles.

The designations the Americans noted to be such a point of pride of the Rothschilds, that indeed, it got noted by them on Wikipedia.

But really: is this not a bit deflating, for history and legacy to be reduced to Wikipedia? With so much supposed wealth, and so many centuries passed since it began — are the Rothschilds really still not yet over it?

Over, being kicked out of Vienna to the point it still makes them feel the need to say they are the first Jewish citizens of Austria — if that is even true.

We cannot confirm, given there are no Austrians today who come to America, log onto Wikipedia and say “we’re from the Austrian Empire.” Not to mention, there is no citation.

Furthermore, the Austrian “Empire” of 1816 and 1822 when the Rothschilds claim they were given their noble title and citizenship, stopped existing in 1866-67. The Rothschilds page says the senior Rothschild left Austria about a dozen years before:

In 1867, the family of Francis I (who had given Austrian noble title and citizenship to the Rothschilds), were removed from power in Austria, taken over by a competing relative.

Francis I had ruled over what was a self-proclaimed empire, in reaction to Napoleon’s French Empire.

The “Austrian Empire” based not on geology, mineral wealth, or some intrinsic distinguishing feature, but indeed, on self-proclamation alone (and competitive dislike of Napoleon).

Thus unsurprisingly, did it not last. The triggering events are the 1848 uprisings and the subsequent Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the war between the Francis’ “Austrian Empire” and the Prussian Empire (later Germany).

The Rothschild who indicate on their Wikipedia page (and in their other press releases and propaganda including “history books”) that they sided with neither side:

The neither-siding Rothschild (Anselm), son of the senior Rothschild (Saloman) forced to leave Vienna.

The “neither-side” statement enabling Anselm to remain in Vienna until his death in 1871. More so, enabled Anselm’s own children, including his son Albert, to remain in Vienna.

Including when Anselm first “fell ill” in 1866 — the same year when began the Austro-Prussian War.

Indeed, the Rothschilds, regardless of who was ruling Austria, managed to continue in it, and acquiring greater wealth with each passing reign.

Meanwhile, the Panic of 1873 nearly bankrupted nations, and definitely many US railroads.

The US only mildly mentions Europe, and altogether avoids mentioning Vienna.

And like his grandfather, Albert Rothschild became a “first”.

Indeed, the curious “Austrian firsts” that were becoming a Rothschild tradition — more like, the Rothschilds that were becoming an Austrian tradition.

But returning to the question, why did the Rothschild resentment not only curiously lead to the Panic of Vienna, but also lead to Russia?

For this we look to the Austro-Prussian War:

To be continued and finished 7/4. After the brief explanation of why Russia, we now near the time of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Balfour Declaration in the same years, 1917. The revolution will not be explained in detail, as both the revolution and declaration are summarized in understanding by England’s “objection” to the formation of Israel. Why I present the solution (as opposed to, say, England) also briefly explained.

7/4, Happy Independence Day America.

Returning to the Austro-Prussian War of 1866.

As mentioned, Russia during Alexander III made an alliance with France and tentative one with England. This was not out of affinity for France or England, but to counter the rise of Germany (Prussia). Previously, his father had maintained somewhat amicable relations with Prussia, given their siding with Russia on a Poland matter.

Russia’s changed position on Prussia, did not influence its opinion of the Austrian Empire. Russia disliked it in the reign of Alexander III, as it disliked during the reign of Alexander II, for siding against Russia during the invasion of Crimea in 1853.

Thus did Austria dislike Russia — as it did in 1853.

But why in 1853?

Crimea, as Austria knew, as did the Rothschilds, that carries the history of Vladimir the Great. By way of Kiev due north, the history of St. Vladimir. See Solution for the Ukraine and explanation of the Great Schism, to understand the importance.

The split between West and East Christianity that effectively occurred along the longitudinal corridor that runs through Crimea and Kiev, and the Russian capitals to its north.

To its south sits South Africa, where the Rothschilds founded De Beers Diamonds. Along the way, Cairo and the ancient cities of Egypt along the Nile such as Memphis, where Alexander the Great crowned himself Emperor in the 4th century BC.

Egypt where was also sourced the magenta-purple “marble of Rome” called Imperial Porphyry, which lined the birth room of the medieval royals of Byzantium. Most of all, of the birth of Anna Porphyrogenita, wife to Vladimir the Great and Saint. (See Solution for the Ukraine)

The new Austria that emerged out of the Austro-Prussian War (Austrian-Hungary Empire), the Prussian Empire, the British Empire, France, the Rothschilds - all who despite fighting against each other at some point, all the European empires that sat on the Western side of the Schism.

On the Eastern side that extended the largest European nation of all, the one that extended into Asia. The only European nation that was Eurasian.

The European nation the Rothschilds plotted around most. It was also not forgotten how the grandson of Francis I, (Franz Joseph I),had been Knighted by Russia, by the previous Tsar (Nicholas I) in the later 1840s. However was this rendered moot when Austria supported the Crimean invasion. Why it did, likely a result of the Rothschilds.

The senior Rothschild (Saloman) we recall, had been forced to leave Vienna sometime between 1848 and 1855. Before hand, had coveted his status as the first Jewish noble of Austria.

The next European nation considered most anti-Jewish was Russia, after its takeover of approximately 1/3 of Poland in 1772. Poland at the time where 90% of the world’s Jews lived.

The Jews living in now Russia were now subject to strict rules of where they could conduct business, and other restrictions. The event in history is called the Pale of Settlement.

In 1843, Tsar Nicholas I expelled Jews along a border territory between Russia, Austria, Prussia (today approximately where is the Belarus border with Poland). It was likely the expulsion of Jews living Kiev, that held the most significant symbolism, that is, to the Jews who then began to develop rebel movements against the Russian royals.

However, must we see the rebel movements not as mere reaction to the Tsars, but in consideration of the Knight awards given to Austrian leader, Franz Joseph in the late 1840s by Russia. Specifically, by the same Tsar (Nicholas I) who had expelled Jews from the Russian territory at the Austrian-Prussian border. And from Kiev.

Now we consider, that Salomon Rothschild had been forced to flee Vienna at this same time (sometime between 1848 and 1855), but his son Anselm and his grandson Albert most of all, who continued the Rothschild tradition in Austria — including to make point that they were Austrian citizens.

In the same year when began the uprisings in Vienna, 1848, was work was published in London. A work by a Prussian named Karl Marx. The Communist Manifesto, began to take hold.

By the 1870s, intellectual movements had formed all across Europe.

In Cambridge England, where quietly first appeared the word “Zion” in connection with the idea of a Jewish state.

The Rothschilds indicate in their Wikipedia pages that the Austrian Rothschilds and the British Rothschilds, had gone their mostly separate ways.

This is not just unlikely, but not in the character and decree of the Rothschilds, understood by their very marriage habits. The Rothschilds believed in keeping it in the family, to the point they were required to marry their cousins. This meant that eventually they’d have to marry outside of England or Austria, or risk genetic disease.

Thus around the time of the Panic of Vienna, indeed, also came the first idea of Zionism, said to have been sprung form the academic and intellectual life that surrounded Cambridge University. See The Rose and George, for English history around Cambridge University. The Austrian leader awarded by a noble title by Russia, had been given one of Russia’s highest, the Order of St. George. St. George, the Christian war saint from times pre-Constantine.

Thus do we suspect the Rothschilds resentment against Austria, was not actually due to the reason it gives on Wikipedia, but something else:

More likely, the anti-Rothschild sentiment was not borne of their “enormous wealth” but of the Rothschilds correct sense that they were no longer truly accepted in Austria society.

Austria’s Frances I who had given noble title to the Rothschilds, was no longer in power. In 1848, Austria was now led by Franz Joseph I who had received Russia’s prestigious Order of St. George. The Knight award granted by Tsar Nicholas I, the same Russian leader who had expelled Jews from its new territories bordering near Austria and Prussia.

All things of Europe can be understood from that moment.

An inflection point in European history, though it was never announced, published, nor marked as a turning point, including not in complaint, that is, by the Rothschilds.

The moment in European history, more so, Jewish European history, when the Rothschilds felt they had been betrayed. Other than Salomon leaving Vienna, the Rothschilds who indeed never expressed complaint about Austria, and in fact, maintained power in Austria through banking, and their curious survival of the Panic of 1871-73.

The more curious event however, was indeed the moment when Franz Joseph I became Austrian Emperor in 1848. The moment when the Rothschilds claim the anti-Rotbschild sentiment in Vienna was due to a combination of resentment of their wealth along with a “revolution in 1848 in the Hapsburg areas.”

The Hapsburg area saw an uprising of ethnic groups living in Austria, including Prussians. However what did this have to do with a supposed anti-wealth sentiment against the Rothschilds?

Nothing, except for the uprisings’ connection back to the Rothschilds, by the reason that the uprisings were likely caused by the Rothschilds in the first place. Not only to keep the new Emperor in check, but indeed, because of the moment when everything changed.

The uprisings which coincided with and blended into the mood of anti-Jewish sentiment in Russia and areas not just where it had taken over Poland but nearby, and spreading through Europe.

After Nicholas I, his son Alexander II led Russia from 1855 - 1881. During this time, and the Austro-Prussian war passed, a new leader of Prussia arrived on the scene, Otto von Bismarck.

In 1853, Russia was invaded through Crimea, its southern territory acquired under Catherine the Great. The invasion received the support of Austria’s Franz Joseph I.

But how, when he had just received not only the St. George award, but several other Knight awards from Tsar Nicholas I?

For the simple fact that the Rothschilds maintained financial control over Vienna, and again, the “Hapsburg uprisings” of Prussian peoples. Recall, Austria went to war with Prussia, in 1866.

In the meantime, Nicholas I caught a cold to which he curiously succumbed in 1855, at the young age of 58. Curious given that Nicholas I, though leader of Crimea on the temperate coast of the Black Sea, was also leader of the rest of Russia, most of which is quite cold.

Not only caught a cold in cold Russia, but “committed passive suicide.”

I’m guessing, the interpretation likely written sometime after the establishment of Japan’s friendship with the Rothschilds, who funded Japan’s invasion of Russia in 1904.

After Nicholas I’s death in 1855, came the next leader of Russia, Alexander II.

Alexander II, as described, survived 3 assassination attempts 1866, 1879, 1880 and the 4th that killed in him 1881.

In the year of the first assassination attempt on Alexander II, was the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Austria lost, and Prussia won. Franz Joseph I’s power not only tempered by Prussian ethnic “uprisings” in Austria, but now by an equally powerful leader of Europe, and was Prussian.

The new leader, by way of an actual new leadership role created in the Prussian Empire after its victory. The Reichskanzler, or Imperial Chancellor, filled by Otto von Bismarck in 1867.

Unlike the Rothschilds, Prussia, now the German Empire as of 1871, suffered greatly in the 1871-73 financial panic, called Gründerkrach or the Founder’s Crash.

Thus now did we have a tempered Franz Joseph I of Austria, but a weakened Germany that took several years to recover. The stage set, and insight achieved, that Germany despite ruled by one family since the 11th century (Hohenzollern dynasty), could potentially be permanently dismantled, i.e., the Hohenzollern without whose permission there would be not be allowed a “Reichkanzler”.

Thus an Otto von Bismarck emerges onto the scene in the same year the Vienna-based financial panic begins in 1871. The year when an Imperial Chancellor begins a new Prussia now Germany — but as it didn’t realize yet, when the Gründerkrach is about to begin too. The financial panic worldwide eventually named the Long Depression, but also the Great Depression .. the latter name that stuck until the one in 1929.

Bismarck is called in history, the peacemaker, despite waging several wars. However, did the reputation begin by one move in particular.

In 1873, Bismarck created what he called the League of 3 Emperors. Bismarck, the Imperial Chancellor thus not an Emperor naming the league as he did, indicated an aspiration in that direction. The head of the Hohenzollern family represented Germany, and the other two were Franz Joseph I and Alexander II from Austria-Hungary and Russia.

The alliance was meant not so much to ensure peace, as to ensure Germany did not succumb to one of its surrounding neighbors, which included France. As the alliance was based on Germany’s central concerns and not the other 2, the alliance fell apart. Then came back together. This happened a few times.

The weak premise was that Austria-Hungary and Russia could remain on the same page over the long run. This was impossible as Austria-Hungary was not actually fully controlled by Franz Joseph I. The old resentment remained,over the Order of St. George and what was perceived as a fundamental anti-Jewish sentiment by the Russian royals.

Alexander II appeared to the Jews of Russia, less anti-Jewish than his father Nicholas I. Nonetheless was it “a bit too late”, hence, the several assassination attempts. Or rather, this is how such assassination attempts were explained.

The old resentment that was never publicly announced by the Rothschilds, but could find expression in different ways. One of them was by tapping into an old symbolism, the one indeed connected to St. George by way of the Christian empire that formed in the same period of history.

The first Christian Roman Empire, in the times of Constantine. Constantine was born in Serbia.

Thus did the League of 3 Emperors seem to fall apart, along the very same lines — but not in public complaint, but simply geography. And of course, “uprisings.”

Thus did the Austria-Hungary and Russia rivalry form over the Balkan area (where is Serbia).

The league finally fell apart during the time of Alexander III, in 1887. Bismarck then negotiated a separate and secret arrangement with Russia, called the Reinsurance Treaty. Both agreed to not interfere in regions it controlled, but were coveted by others. For Russia it was the Black Sea.

Upon Bismarck’s dismissal in 1890, the Treaty was up in the air, but eventually not renewed. It is said that Russia wished for the treaty to be renewed in order to maintain the Black Sea without interference.

The claim that Russia wanted the Reinsurance Treaty renewed, discounts the importance to Russia of keeping Austria-Hungary at bay.

Thus though an alliance was attempted by Russia with Austria-Hungary (at Bismarck’s urging), Russia’s suspicions were correct - the same suspicions that began after Franz Joseph I so easily spurned the award given to him by Russia, to turn on Russia to support the Crimean invasion.

Disagreements over areas of the Balkans in the 1870s 1880s, in fact, an extension of the same - i.e., of Austria’s support of the invasion against Russia.

The Balkans region, as US media seems to fail to point out, sits just west of the Black Sea, and northwest of Constantinople. The failure to point this out by the U.S. (including in its many involvements in the region) is due to where it would eventually lead the American people to look: to the founder of Constantinople.

Constantine who was born in Serbia located in the Balkans. The importance of Constantine’s symbol is understood to this day, by the city where America won the Revolutionary War, Yorktown Virginia. The city named after York England where Constantine won a turning point victory in the 4th century. Interesting how this is not pointed out in American history class — the battle between America and England to win the symbols of Christianity.

If this had been taught, we would have easily seen why Russia rejected the German treaty renewal, as Germany was now too close to Austria-Hungary.

As the non-renewal of the treaty is considered one of the factors that led to WWI, the Reinsurance Treaty today (from the US such as in Wikipedia) has portrayed Russia as needing allies, more than did Germany.

Conveniently today, Germany is a major member of NATO, and recently the US and NATO have decided to take the stance of being anti-Russia. Thus do we note that a 19th century treaty unknown by 99.999% of Americans (and Americans who are the majority readers of Wikipedia) was updated 2 months ago.

Why suddenly now?

Above, an historic photo published by the League of Three Emperors of their meeting in 1884. Russia now represented by Alexander III, as his father was assassinated in 1881.

One of the purposes of the League, as presented by Bismarck and Germany, was an alliance against uprisings of the once-Polish peoples, as Poland was now controlled by Russia, Austria-Hungary and Germany.

Hence the meeting in the photo above, held in a former Polish city (today, the city of Skierniewice Poland).

However as goes unmentioned, is that one of the “ethnic” groups, were the Jews.

For this we refer back to the moment that changed it all, in the Jewish history of Europe.

The moment the Rothschilds felt betrayed by Austria, specifically, the Austrian royal family. Whereas the Rothschilds felt the Francis I accepted them not only as citizens but nobles, the subsequent Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph seemed to have rejected them. Nonetheless was he beholden to the Rothschilds, given the banking, the rails, and more.

The background photo here, is the painting shown in the beginning of this section. What this had to do with Israel-Palestine may have seemed baffling or irrelevant.

And yet it is the very symbolism here, around which the League of 3 Emperors formed.

The painting of symbolism, of a holy meaning of the Black Sea … because of Constantine?

Or two persons of the 10th-11th century, Anna and Vladimir, around whom a Great Schism split the Christian world in two. And then did Constantinople carry a value that it did not in the time of Constantine, that is, as the birthplace of Anna Porphyrogenita, and wife to Vladimir the Great and Saint.

Constantinople sitting on the Bosphorus Strait connecting the Black Sea to seas beyond. And vice verse, connecting those seas to the Black Sea, and then to Crimea, the Dnieper River, then Kiev and northwards, the Russian capitals.

The very reasons England, France, the Ottoman Empire invaded Crimea in 1853 — and the new Austrian Emperor who would have likely backed Russia. However was somehow convinced not to.

Again, we note the 1848 “Hapsburg uprisings of ethnics” which we can understand now in its orchestrated purpose, which was to keep the Austrian Emperor in line.

Thus we also note, the reason given by the Rothschilds about 1848, curiously is the precise same reason given by Bismarck as to the purpose of the League of 3 Emperors.

Thus do we also note Bismarck’s sudden arrival onto the world stage in 1871 — the year of the Panic of Vienna, from which the Rothschilds not only survived but grew wealthier.

We wonder what might be the purpose of such constant strife in the region. Was there not a desire for peace, for all nations tosimply get along, and in win-win manner, benefit in prosperity (trade, cultural exchange, etc)?

We wonder what might be the purpose of such constant strife in the region. Was there not a desire for peace, for all nations to simply get along, and in win-win manner, benefit in prosperity (trade, cultural exchange, etc)?

Germany now carried a reputation for peace, which was now held up as an ideal in Europe.

But indeed, if peace were such an ideal, why didn’t everyone believe in it? And who exactly did not believe in it most. That is, in contrast to their claim that they did.

Indeed, peace, the ideal that one family in particular did not believe in.

However have they wished for you to believe that that they do:

The same family that also claims that their Vienna branch and their London branch, barely talked at all.

Outside of London, in the intellectual atmosphere of Cambridge, formed the idea of Zion in connection to a nation for Jews.

Why Cambridge?

As the Rothschilds knew, and of course the English royals that presided over Cambridge who knew too, the ideas associated with Cambridge, by one of its most famous students, Charles Darwin:

Evolution, the idea that changed the world, published in 1859.

Few people, however, know the full line of “Origin of Species” which is:

The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection

Fewer people know the book’s subtitle:

Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

Survival of the fittest that we thought only applied to animals. And if it applied to humans, only applied to sports, business or similar competition.

Instead, Darwin who said it was about becoming the favored race.

The Pale of Settlement made it difficult to see the Russian royals as anything but anti-Jewish.

The motives of Russia thus interpreted to be about more than mere territorial expansion, but the means to become the favoured race — and to try do so by way of religion.

Hence, the impossibility of Russia and Austrian-Hungary to be on the same political page. Not because of the nations themselves, but because of how the Rothschilds saw them: the nations that wished to dominate in race and religion.

The Rothschilds agreed with Darwin. More so - as it regarded the global ideal - that there was no such thing as peace.

Thus the two nations that could never be on the same political page, were put on the same page anyways: the League of 3 Emperors.

I.e., the impossibility amplified, and thrown into the same stage, more like a cage. There, where they could battle it out amongst themselves. Then by survival of the fittest ..,

I.e., the Rothschilds who orchestrated the league in the first place.

In 1887, the League predictably fell apart. The nations had exhausted themselves along the way. This included its Emperors.

In 1888, Tsar Alexander III and his family were aboard a train traveling from Crimea to St. Petersburg. Just south of the city Kharkiv Russia, the train derailed.

As described, the 1888 train derailment is the attributed reason for the Tsar’s death at age 49, a few years later in 1894.

While the technical reason of death may be true, we do wonder about the train accident itself - and how it happened to occur on the route from Crimea to St. Petersburg.

We recall Ivan Aiazovsky’s painting, debuted in 1888, the same year as the train derailment. The painting that signified the Black Sea to be as holy as the Sea of Galilee. In fact, an allusion that after Anna and Vladimir, another two who signified a Male-Female model.

An important facet added to the picture, that may not have been as strongly present with Anna and Vladimir. What Cardo Maximus is named after: the heart.

Cardo Maximus, that corridor runs from Black Sea to Crimea and the Russia capitals — the longitude that does not exist in a vacuum, but by definition, amid the other longitudes of the world.

Cardo Maximus, the longitudinal corridor that runs through the Russian capitals, but of particular significance as Russia encompasses a greater number of longitudes than any other nation in the world.

We simply have to ask ourselves, if Western European nations may have not been happy with that fact. Including the nation that claims longitude zero and that England claims and calls it “prime meridian.” But is it really prime?

And do we think even England thought so when invading Crimea in 1853? Do we think the English royals did not know what sat northwards? The current Prince of England (William) is a geography major from St. Andrews University in Edinburgh Scotland.

Thus we can assume the English royals claiming a prime meridian knows the longitude that runs from Crimea to St. Petersburg (not to mention, the 38th latitude in Korea).

Thus while many Americans have heard of Buckingham Palace, they have not quite heard of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, despite it being possibly the largest palace in the world (2.5 million square feet).

Just south, in the countryside of St. Petersburg, another massive palace and palace compound first built by Peter the Great for his second wife, Catherine I. The main palace is pictured in the background here, the largest of the compound called Tsarskoye Selo.

The width of the palace that seems to capture the breadth and scope of Russia itself — the very size of nation put on the map by Peter the Great himself. His explorer, Vitus Bering, who discovered Alaska in 1741. America was not yet even a nation at this point.

On the continental eastern edge of Russia, sat the ancient dynasty of Korea, at the time, of the Joseon Dynasty period. Russia, the only nation that spans from Europe to Asia.

The scale that defies comprehension, how large is Russia. However is it understood by Korea. Does anyone in the U.S. connect Russia to Korea?

Stalin and FDR did — in dividing Korea in two.

The two, who occupied two political seats, with no Koreans present there - and no Russian royals either.

Yet why would they you say - Russia was not “Russian Empire” at the time, but the Soviet Union. The Korean empire had since been taken over by Japan.

Yet amid the statues, pillars, and palace, in breadth and scope. Place and time, and space and sky, we wonder. From Vladimir and Anna, to Peter and Catherine, and Alexander and his wife Maria of the train accident that led to his death.

We wonder. The palaces that stand the test of time, precisely for us to do the same.

Wonder, and remember something lost, or hope not to lose again.

Returning now to Korea.

Korea — but why with a background image of the desert under starry skies?

And yet, centuries ago, a Korean made an extraordinary journey. I’m guessing he looked up into the sky, and saw this very thing.

However does that go unknown, as the history of Marco Polo came to prevail instead.

The longer history is described in TWO SEATS, but in brief, is history of one of my ancestors, the heretofore untold journey from Korea to the Holy Land. Along the way, Kiev.

Korea that is not a land of desert, but it is a land of cold. The Korean envoy who weathered extreme cold, extreme heat, and all temperatures and climates between to make his trek. My ancestor who’d be the first to say, the Russian people of a cold nation would not be so unclever as to allow themselves to be ruled by a Tsar who does not know their nation is cold.

Instead, the Russians who not only knew they lived in a cold nation, but that it is cold by way of great events of the planet, events that far precede the formation of Russia itself.

Along his journey, my ancestor encountered the very same clever peoples, not in the derogatory manner of clever (wily), but in the ways of adaptation and resilience — to the weather.

Amid the desert region of the area today called the Holy Land, are pockets of water and springs, and of course, the Jordan River.

A combination of the Jordan River and underground springs that form the Sea of Galilee (pictured above), where the Bible describes Jesus walking on water - the event signified by the painter to Tsar Nicholas I as being somehow connected to the Black Sea. Recall, Tsar Nicholas I whom the Rothschilds most despised, the resentment however, that did not end with him.

Returning to the 13th century, and my ancestor who traveled the massive width of Eurasia from Korea to the Holy Land (and to Greece beyond).

The continental portion of the journey, that can be most approximated in understanding, by the very same width of Russia today. A closer measure, would be by the size of Russia in the time of Alexander II, when Russia included Alaska.

The Holy Land, where one would least expect a Korean to be — that is, at the 13th century time when my ancestor traveled there. However do they not question that the Mongols traveled there, given the battle they fought at the place in the Holy Land today called Ma’ayan Harod.

Another underground spring, and sits southeast of Mount Carmel, and southwest of the Sea of Galilee.

The Mongols who lost the battle, and historians who still wonder how that could be.

The Mongol empire begun by Genghis Khan, the largest single-land conqueror in human history — somehow defeated at this one location.

Was it the location? And if so, why. More so, because of who.

An unknown person of history, more significant than Marco Polo. The one not from the warm region of the once Roman Empire, but a cold region of mountains.

A region of temperate warm climates too, and fertile fields, and warm water shores. The four seasons where one could see the cycle of life expressed as nature also experienced it.

Particularly the state of nature called winter.

The frozen time of the year, not unknown by the Mongols. The tribal peoples who endured not only winter but summer conditions as barren as the desert.

Yet how indeed, could the Mongols lose in the Holy Land, if familiar with such harsh climates themselves?

The detailed answer, and reveal, is found in TWO SEATS.

The answer that is not just about surviving and winning in battle, and across seasons spring, summer, fall, winter.

The answer that is about understanding that the seasons express themselves differently in different regions of the world — and particularlyhow, in the region traveled by my ancestor. The northern peoples who experienced quite extremely not just winter, but spring, and torrential muds.

We return to the area today called Israel. As many do not know, the area sometimes experiences “winter”, in the northern mountainous region where it occasionally snows (where begins the border with Lebanon).

However do we generally not associate the region with snow, including since snow is mentioned only a handful of times in the Bible.

Thus did we not question “walking on the water” — that is, in what season it occurred.

In the 13th century, a traveler from Korea arrived with a mission, the one spurred by the Mongol invasion of Korea on the other side of the continent from the Holy Land, thousands of miles away.

The mission that asked that very question - in what season did that occur?

As my ancestor knew, the answer impossible to answer if framing the question within the frame of the Holy Land alone.

The limited frame, and of a very small region of the world, that led to the failure to explain the miracle, and what it meant, for those who sought meaning in it.

The answer figured out by my ancestor, given his far larger frame of reference - that is, in geography. The geography of the Eurasian continent itself, which includes the Holy Land - but also, Korea. And the land of mysterious winters and spring between, that coincided with the lands over which dynasties and aspirants fought — including the Mongols, who decimated Kiev.

The area where they said occurred a great split and Schism, in the centuries before.

The answer my ancestors discerned, by applying his far eye. Of the horizon of Asia, but also, the geologies that created Asia in the first place, before there was a word “geology.”

My ancestor who would not know to travel such a large continent, if not aware of them, without the application of scientific terminology.

Korea part of a larger whole earth, and the minerals and stones, ores, metals of which the earth is made. By extension, the energy emitted from them that comprise today the sciences that give us our understanding in rotation, revolution, gravity, geophysics, astronomy, navigation — the latter that we measure today in longitudes and latitudes.

By geology, navigation and stars and planets — the geology of the skies — and the many travelers he met and who joined him - these are described in TWO SEATS. The journey without which, there are no Solutions for the World, presented here.

The journey, and its persons, that accumulated across time, in pivotal knowledges and discoveries — many which were suppressed. For this I briefly mention again, the many assassinations to my family members, including the last Empress of Korea. And the many assassinations of the royals of Russia too.

The long and complicated road of history nears inflection point today.

What Cardo Maximus has to do with the Israel - Palestine solution, is simultaneously very complex and very simple.

Israel / Palestine and surround, also called the Holy Land - yet over time, was it both forgotten and buried, several important aspects to Christianity, and Judaism.

I mention Christianity since it is the unsaid facet to what is otherwise considered a Jewish-Muslim conflict.

However, to arrive in strict “Christian” manner has been the temptation, for centuries. For instance, the Crusades. Or more recently:

Thus we note that Franz Joseph I didn’t just have title of Emperor of Austria, His Apostolic Majesty. Apostolic which means, either on par with Apostles, or equivalency to the Pope.

But in truth Franz Joseph I didn’t consider himself “just” an Apostle, but akin to Jesus Christ. Hence the title, King of Jerusalem. It is noted the more well-known Austrian of modern history who put himself on the level of Jesus Christ, as doesn’t quite get mentioned in history class. One of the most infamous of recent history, Adolph Hitler.

The Holocaust and Hitler’s horrors however, have not stopped subsequent generations from believing themselves the Jesus-Christ same. This includes other royal families, including the most famous one today (see TWO SEATS, to see how that works in the British Empire).

Now you might say, well, don’t I reference Jesus several times in this website? Indeed I do, including as part of the Solutions for the World.

However do I also describe Mary Magdalene, and in a way no one has before.

That is, not as the sinner i.e., prostitute. But importantly, also not as the “prostitute who is not a sinner”.

The subtlety often missed, as many have tried to revitalize Mary Magdalene by making her a “not sinner” but still keeping her a prostitute. Conveniently the ones who do this, are men. Basically, a new way to condone prostitution, by simply saying its not bad, it’s “female liberation.” This is also described in TWO SEATS.

I return to several of the other foundation solutions presented on this site, including LIFE AND THE CHILD. There is described the persecution of women in Judaic times that led to the execution of pregnant women. The failure to question this in modern times, leads to irreconcilable differences in religion, formation of religious factions and divided political parties including in the U.S.

The very impetus to examine this in the first place, comes out of the secret answers and discoveries passed down since the 13th century, from a Holy Land journey of my ancestor.

However was it not “safe” to reveal such hidden information, until now. The times that for a long time, called for the continued malign of Mary Magdalene, but moreso, by way of new female history figures. The hidden information of the 13th century, concerns not just th Sea of Galilee, but the one who was born in one of its coastal cities, Magda. Indeed, Mary of Magda, i.e., Magdalene.

The hidden information unable to be revealed (except to a select few), after the death of the last Queen of Korea, posthumously, Empress. For a long time has it not been safe to discuss her, given the Korean War, and encirclement around my family. And essentially, since her death in 1895.

However has she been recently portrayed in movies made in South Korea. I have watched none of these. However did I hear about the plot of one of them, in which the last Empress is portrayed as having had an affair. It is undoubtedly portrayed as a “romance”. For American audiences watching the subtitle versions, “illicit affair ” that apparently seems like the very kind of thing to check off the box of “female liberation” for Asian females. Apparently why? By no small help by movies like this.

The portrayal of the last Korea Queen this way, a continuation of the rumors made about the Last Empress after her death, as I guarantee, by Japan (the nation that killed her).

Japan, well aware of the Mary Magdalene symbolism throughout Christian history, including how she came to be depicted in Europe: sexually-promiscuous — and with the red hair, suggested to be available. Google any painting of Mary Magdalene to see the same.

Japan that also observed that the British Empire used the same underlying narratives, in nations it conquered. I also describe in TWO SEATS how such tropes were used to concoct a female “saint” figure named Sarah, said to have arrived on a boat to the south of France, of which her fellow boat passenger was Mary Magdalene. I describe how “St. Sarah” provided a convenient character in slave trading times, to deflect from the horrors. Not to mention, since St. Sarah was suggested to be a prostitute “just like Mary Magdalene.” But not sinful of course, since she was a saint.

Thus do we see the fraught nature of symbols across 2000 years — those that have been used to create dynasties of power, some which are still in power today. And always, at the expense of someone.

For myself, it is knowing how the symbol was put upon the last Queen & Empress of Korea, including in the naming of the plot to kill her, which Japan called “Operation Fox Hunt”. I.e., the clever creature because it is wily, and also has red fur.

Thus, to say Jesus Christ is part of the Solutions for the World today, is because Mary Magdalene is the solution too.

The failure to assign them today, creates a vacuum that will inevitably be filled — whether a 500-year empire that exploits other nations for its resources, or an Adolph Hitler.

To the average citizen it sounds extreme, and even delusional, to bring up Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. However is this not done out of religious fervor, fanaticism, or the like.

It is done because of the not-average citizens of the world, those who use such symbols for themselves — but without you knowing it. It is how they have stayed in power for centuries. Thus will they not explicitly announce that they do it, otherwise would they no longer be as powerful. Though sometimes like Franz Joseph I, they might call themselves King of Jerusalem.

One family, by contrast, has been very powerful across centuries, yet without ostentation or large palaces. It is why they were entrusted with the Confucian minerals tribute between China and Korea for centuries.

I’m going to guess that in certain circles of the West, it was rumored that more than minerals were being exchanged — and Japan that spoke on behalf of Korea to “confirm” the same. In Korea Solution is described the kinds of duplicitous strategies used to keep my mother’s side of the family unknown and suppressed since 1961. The same kinds of strategies have likely been attempted to some degree or another to my father’s side, given the value of minerals in Korea at $11 trillion.

The incorrect and slanderous application of symbols to my father’s side, given that my grandfather was born on a day of certain symbolism. A day that signaled something important — thus would others try to make unimportant.

My grandfather was born on the day 3/22 in year 1917. I explain the date in a moment.

Here is another person born on the date 3/22, over a century before. Whether he was was actually born on this day, I am doubtful. Nonetheless, is the claimed date:

Wilhelm I, one of the members of the League of 3 Emperors formed by Bismarck in 1873. The League that not only fell apart in 1887, but failed to answer another matter of Christian history, not just of Constantine.

The matter of “3/22” handed down since the 13th century. A matter that hinted at the very discovery my ancestor had made in his long trek there. About the Sea of Galilee and its waters. And the seasons, and its effects on nature, including its elements like water - and ice.

From this, a profound understanding of the differences between Male and Female, conventionally understood as solid vs liquid. The elemental matters misrepresented by Constantine and Helen, and Council of Nicaea. There where was attempted to be defined, the nature of essence, called “ouisa.” The nature of all life, by way of the Trinity.

I realize this sounds confusing as summarized here, but it is explained in TWO SEATS. In essence, pun intended, the biological differences of the sexes that made them simultaneously different, but equal value at the same time.

The seemingly simplistic statement, unexamined as a result — including to weigh in on the life of a pregnant female and her child. The “solid” proof given (by a male) on why she is guilty, for being indistinct from the child that grows within. Indistinct, and “not-solid.”

However who understood the profound subtle difference, the one who walked on the water at Galilee — and pointed to the far shore where was born Mary of Magda. The one biologically different from him, but no less of a human being.

In the 13th century, the hidden knowledge figured out by the Korean envoy, my ancestor. The secret passed through those he met along the way, and joined him.

The journey in times of great war, and the knowedge that enabled him to secure a passageway, for the peoples who would fight and defeat the Mongols.

Those who were not Christian (nor was my ancestor), but trusted him for having figured out the Christian miracle at the Sea of Galilee. Thus was it determined where would be battleground against the Mongols: at the nearby spring called Ain Jalud (today, in Ma’ayan Harod).

The passageway, that opened the route to the battlefield itself. The passageway, that was the city of Acre, today located on the north coast of Israel, near mountains where it sometimes snowed.

Acre, the Christian stronghold held by the Knights Templar. There, where the non-Christians called Mamluks were able to fortify before heading into battle against the Mongols, in the victory today called the Battle of Ain Jalud.

The Muslim Mamluks who defeated the largest land-conqueror in history, in the time known as the Crusades. The war known not as the one between Mamluks and Mongols.

Instead, the war between Muslims vs Christians. Yet no one in 700-year history since that stopped to ask — so how were the Mamluks allowed into the famous Christian stronghold, Acre? The Mongol threat alone, would not have been enough to convince the Christians.

As it was not. However, were the Christian Templars convinced, when hearing of the miracle solved, about the Sea of Galilee. The waters Jesus had walked on, were the waters that had turned into ice.

More importantly, because of the one who figured it out. Korea, not unknown as the land of great riches, and a store of gold and stones and ores more valuable than anything held by the Kings or Popes of Europe. Or their warriors, the Knights Templar.

A secret deal was made, and a promise that would underwrite a history, as not seen since the time indeed of Jesus — and Mary Magdalene.

In between, would a battle have to be fought.After the Mongols were defeated, and the dust had settled, he would meet them on the other side. In Korea he would await their arrival.

The battle, for which the Mamluks needed a safe place to rest, beforehand. The place the Mongols would least suspect — in the place the Muslims Mamluks would have to otherwise fight a battle, to try enter themselves. The Christian stronghold of Acre.

The Christian Knights were paid a small sum, a down payment in advance. The Korean envoy who knew the Templars understood payments. The Templars’ systems of deposits, known today as the pre-cursor to the Western banking system.

Deposits that were made to the Templar locations in Europe, by travelers about to embark to the Holy Land. At the Holy Land, could they withdraw what they had deposited hundreds of miles away.

The Korean envoy made a deposit too — however, towards a withdrawal that would be made not by him but the Templars themselves, and for a far larger sum. However, would they have to help the Mamluks beat the Mongols. And find their way to Korea. He would wait for them there.

The secret deposit, and deal, made with a select few Templars (see TWO SEATS), and others who had joined the mission, who were non-Christian. Some who were Muslim, some who were Jews, some from lands far away, from the many places of Eurasia and beyond, who traveled long distances too. All who had aided the Korean in an extraordinarily complex and dangerous journey, to defeat the Mongols.

The Mongols, as many do not know, had sought to usurp Christian symbols to use for themselves (hence their attempt to be victorious in the Holy Land). Thus the Korean envoy had been compelled to learn the true nature of the Christian symbols, leading him to his discovery about Galilee. By the same symbols sought by the Mongols, was the Korean envoy able to understand them more deeply, and use them against Korea’s enemy. And won, at Ain Jalue.

Indeed, the Mongols who lost at Ain Jalud — however, no historian since has been able to figure out how. This is revealed in TWO SEATS in its entirety.

The same secret history, that includes the secret deal made with the Templars at Acre.

The secret sent underground, and unfulfilled, when the Templars themselves were defeated. Their last leader, Grand Knight Jacques de Molay, burned at the stake by the King of France. The King of France who had become aware of the arrangement, including around the Korean envoy’s discoveries about Jesus, the Sea of Galilee and Mary Magdalene. The history is covered up by the conventional history known as the “Franco-Mongol Alliance.”

The secret also known by the Templar leader, the last Knight Jacques de Molay. Thus upon him this were put punishments by the King, intended to slander and sully the Templar. Beyond the sins by way of a “sinful Mary Magdalene”, but as won’t be described here.

In fact, was the Templar anything but. The Templar who now understood the very flaw of the Templars themselves, of the false model presented by a celibate Jesus Christ, including the one with no wife or children.

Thus was he punished for daring to know differently, than what had been made canon since Mary Magdalene was first slandered at the table of Constantine and Helen, then again by. the Catholic Church in 591 AD.

The last Grand Knight thus killed by the King, and furthermore, the Templars dismantled in their entirety, as an official organization.

The Knights Templar founded in year 1119 AD, remains the most famous Christian organization from the Crusades. Yet in one fell swoop, disappeared off the face of the earth.

But in a way did not.

The mission to restore them that has formed the quests of many a warrior, king and empire since. The day around which the mission is signaled, is the day it was dismantled in year 1312.

That day is 3/22.

The year 591 AD, like the date 3/22, that came to have symbolism in reviving such a Templar organization. Over the centuries, became a code. For instance, 591, the numbers, appear in the year 1950, when the Korean War began.

322 the numbers that are used in cipher (encoded) systems by those of the quest, as described. The encoding, in which numbers and letters have interchangeable value, based on position in the alphabet. Additionally, like many ancient languages, read in reverse direction. Additionally by mirror image.

Thus 322, in fact, that conveys a new combination, that is, upon seeing 322 in reverse AND in mirror image.

Thus do we see 322 as a code for ESS. In turn, ESS translated into 5, 19, 19, per its letter positions in the alphabet. In other words, 591 AD.

Mary Magdalene.

Thus the Knights Templar disbanded on the date that signified what they were really being disbanded for — for knowing a secret truth about Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene, the one different to, but equal to Jesus Christ. The truth that threatened empires built on the opposite: of Mary Magdalene as a lesser person. A sinner needing salvation. The narrative enabling Kings to rule as pious Christians since Constantine, despite no pious deeds occurring (see ST. GEORGE).

Wilhelm I Emperor of Germany, Emperor of the League, born on 3/22. The competition to claim the symbols of Christianity. The fatal blow, when Tsar Nicholas I awarded Franze Joseph I, the Order of St. George.

The League of 3 Emperors, the the very cage fight the Rothschilds knew would tear Europe apart. The league that set the stage for a future Austrian to try claim both Austria and Germany for himself, as Fuhrer. But as many do not know, by trying to claim himself Jesus.

Thus Hitler who went after the Jews, whom he told Christian Germans were to blame for betraying Jesus. As fewer people make the connection, the Jesus symbolism he additionally attempted by marrying a female named Eve. I.e. , himself the Adam, considered Jesus’ main precursor. Together they made two: Adolf and Eve.

I return to my ancestral clansman, the Korean envoy to Russia in 1896 and 1897 — as he did not just to attend a coronation. Instead, to pass the hidden knowledge to Tsar Nicholas II. As it was already known by the Tsar, and his father, Alexander III.

As it had been known by Wilhelm I, and Franz Joseph I. And the invaders of Crimea, the royals of England, France and the Ottomans.

The knowledge, that had been tied to a promise in the 13th century, to meet on the other side of the Mongol defeat. They would have to find their way to Korea.

Indeed, England, France, Germany who arrived in Korea, beginning the 1860s (along with Americans like John D. Rockefeller through Standard Oil). All seeking what had been waiting since the Crusades, and all who wished to be the returned Last Knight of the Knights Templar.

Not to mention, wealthier than the Templars, by way of a store of minerals and riches, beyond anything seen in Europe, or the Middle East.

The symbol of Jesus that came to be intertwined with that of the last Knight Templar, because he had been killed along the symbol of not just Jesus, but Mary Magdalene.

The two whose seats had been filled by Constantine and Helen who deemed herself the other Mary, the Virgin Mary.

Thus my ancestor who was not just passing a knowledge, but the fulfillment of a centuries-long buried promise. And to share in shared prosperity, as two empires Russia and Korea.

Including, by symbols of two separate royal families, with One male, One female each, at their head. A balanced symbolism, paralleled by way of the continental stretch from the Russian capitals all the way to Korea, and vice verse.

In TWO SEATS is briefly described how the U.S. and England in particular, attempted to put slanderous symbols on not just on Korea, but on the Russian royals. Described then too, the times of President Rutherford Hayes, as many Americans are unaware, the family relation of an infamous cult figure of New York who engaged in not very Christian behaviors, and many more than one man, one woman.

The Korea envoy, as also described in TWO SEATS, was assassinated on 11/30/1905, though it was called a suicide — by Japan.

The lie that Japan made sure would be perpetuated after losing its colony in 1945. As it was by Park Chung-hee of South Korea, who glorified his suicide as a noble deed. Indeed, one of the requisite tasks put upon Park, that is, as the South Korea President put in place by Japan in the first place (and by its orchestration of the military coup d’etat, as described in Korea Solution).

The assassination of the Korean envoy, in order to cement Japan’s annexation of Korea, begun a few days before on 11/17/1905.

The annexation, by a Japan emboldened by its victory in the Russo-Japanese War, the invasion that had been financed by the Rothschilds. But also, the turning-of-blind-eye by US President Theodore Roosevelt, who positioned the U.S. to benefit from a Japanese victory.

Thus an ancient promise, once again, unable to be filled. What I call in TWO SEATS as the mantle. The mantle unable to be passed down from the 13th century,.

In further tragedy, the Tsar and his family were brutally executed on 7/17/1918.

The execution date which occurred at the following time-distances from the assassinations of the last Korea Queen Empress (10/8/1895), and the Korean envoy (11/30/1905), for which I will explain their meaning.

From the Queen’s death date:

Within 8317 is seen the date 3/17, the death date of the Last Knight Templar when he was burned at the stake. This signifies not specifically the Tsar Nicholas II, but the Romanovs (the Russian royal family) to whom Korea had attempted to shared a mantle, in peace and prosperity.

Within 22 years 9 m 9 d, is seen the letter V (22nd letter) for Vladimir, or 2x11 and 9 and 9. This would signal 19 and 19, like the SS in ESS, which are the reverse and mirror of 322, where in seen 22.

Within 1188 w 1 d, is 18 itself, the year of death. The repeating 1s and 8s, are significant for sheer fact of repetition, and because 8 signifies infinity. None of these were meant as positive symbols, but the symbol of what was being destroyed.

From the Korean Ambassador’s death date:

12 y 7 m 17 in which is seen the Romanov execution date 7/17. Within are also seen 127, the longitude of Seoul where the Ambasssador was assassinated, and capital of Korea.

151 m 17 d in which is seen 5x11 = 55 the latitude of Moscow. But also 51 latitude, of London and Kiev. 15 and 51 can be interpreted as Adam Eve or Eve Adam, as the 1st and 5th letters of the alphabet. Also, Vladimir the Great and Saint who died in year 1015, the numbers seen in 151. The date of death, 7/15, the numbers seen in 151 months 17 days. Vladimir is believed to have died at age 57.

Within 110,688 hours, are seen 6/11 the date when Vladimir became Grand Prince of Kiev.

The numbers not meant to be positive, but a dig at what was signified was being destroyed, and lost.

To return a moment to Adolf (1) and Eve (5). We note his guards were called the S.S., the letter positions 19 and 19. Within those numbers can be 5 19 19 similar to ESS code for Mary Magdalene 591.

By the unusual and notable time-distance numbers, do we know the assassinations of the Korean and Russian royals are of the same origination, in orchestration.

I point out that it is the luxury of those who have not had family members assassinated and harmed, to call this conspiracy theory. More so, have not even been aware there was a royal family of Korea, aware of the Confucian minerals tribute, or that the Mongol invasions of Korea occurred at the same time as the Crusades.

Thus I distinguish from what are actual conspiracy theories (i.e., speculation) easily found on Reddit, Twitter, and several online places. I speak instead from the place of real land, in the most heavily militarized border in the world, and from a family of geo-strategic assets coveted by dynasties and nations.

I return to Tsar Nicholas II and his family. Their deaths, intended to cement the Bolshevik Revolution, and put an end to the Russian Empire. The particularly brutal manner of their deaths, not only to send a message to potential objectors, but given its extremity, can only be concluded to be an expression of the rage of the orchestrators themselves.

Why, we should ask, does U.S. history class not teach American children about the significant immigration story of the Jews in the U.S. from the late 1800s onwards? Instead, the American idea of immigration tends to be about Irish people / potato famines, the hard-working Italians who built the bridges of NYC, things along this nostalgic romanticized line. For the 20th century, it shifted to Southeast Asians “fresh off the boat.” I say these things not to sound racist, but to point out the racism of causing American people to only know a select number of immigration stories, to the point they are now cliches and stereotypes, and yes, racist.

I point this out because it is the same oversight of the Jewish immigration to the U.S. (except as characterized as having arrived from the Russian “Empire”) that conveniently causes us to overlook the causes of WWI and then indeed, the formation of the state of Israel, the first public moment that begins during WWI, as I will describe briefly in delineations (the Balfour Declaration).

I thus return to the times, and Bolshevik Revolution occurring at the same time. In 1917, the Bolsheviks forced the Tsar to step down, the date recognized by the Bolsheviks and Soviet Union thereafter, as March 15, 1917. In the Julian calendar still used by Russia, the date of 3/2/1917.

However did Tsar himself have to make that recognition himself. Not to concede victory to the Bolsheviks, but for him to mark his forced abdication, on his own terms.

Thus did the Tsar choose his own date — the one signaling his knowledge of the true orchestrations that led to that moment. Those that also led to the doomed League of 3 Emperors, leading to the train accident in 1888, the same year when happened to also die, Wilhelm I.

The same orchestrations that led to his father’s death in 1894. But also, the death of the royal head of Korea, killed in 1895.

The Tsar who noted that Korea had been forced to sign over its nation to Japan on the date 11/17 in year 1905. The Tsar knew the embedded symbolism of “591” seen in the year 1905.

The date that had meaning too — to Russia. 11/17, anniversary of the death of Catherine the Great (Catherine II).

The Tsar additionally observed the numbers being used in symbolic manner, given the very date he was forced to step down, 3/15.

The date when thousands of years ago an Emperor was also forced to “step down.” The day called the Ides of March, marking the assassination and death date of Julius Caesar. Caesar that came to mean Emperor in Russian, i.e., Caesar from which is derived the word Tsar (or Czar).

Tsar Nicholas II made his own symbol instead — the Christian one, by stepping down on the date 3/22. The date of dismantling of the Knights Templar in 1312.

3/22, the date he retired to Tsarskoye Selo, the palace compound first built by Peter the Great for Catherine I. Specifically, at the palace where his family had decided to take refuge during the revolution, pictured in the background. Alexander Palace built by Catherine II. The last palace where they would live in the Russian capitals before being moved by the Bolsheviks to a city to the east, Yekaterinburg.

3/22, the date that signified not just the Knights Templar, but a mantle.

3/22 in 1917, the same day my grandfather was born in Seoul Korea.

However would the mantle be unable to be fulfilled in his time too, given the Japanese occupation of Korea, WW2, and then divide of Korea in 1945 by Stalin and FDR.

On October 1969, my grandfather passed the mantle, to another — to the one who took the mantle to created the solutions presented in totality here.

As it regards Israel-Palestine, the solution understood by the date of my birth 10/19. The same date of birth of the last Korea Queen & Empress, born 10/19/1851. Curiously, the page about her on Wikipedia has recently been altered to say she was born on 11/17/1851.

The falsification is described in TWO SEATS, but again, is connected to the ongoing attempt to slander my family. This is given a rumor that had been put in place, likely by Japan, England and their banker the Rothschilds, as Catherine the Great was rumored to have had many affairs. Operation Fox Hunt that has never ended, including in Wikipedia to this day.

However, what surely miffed Japan et al, was my own birthdate on October 19 — and my grandfather noting the same birthday, took this as a sign, that a mantle moment, had arrived. Thus did my grandfather name me with the same name as the last Korea Queen & Empress:

10/19, the birthdate of myself and the Empress, that also has an alpha-numeric cipher value, in the Judaic numerology system called gematria.

1019, according to this website, is the alpha-numeric value for MOUNT ZION.

However, is “Mount Zion” not the case, in other gematria websites. Thus why the website?

Same reason Wikipedia says the Korea Queen / Empress was born on 11/17. Someone wants to associate 10/19 with Mount Zion, and likely not in flattering manner.

I have created the solutions by acknowledging that someone attributes such a gematria symbolism — and someone attributes the Queen to have been born on the death date of Catherine the Great, of the likely falsified reputation of sexual promiscuity.

The Mary Magdalene (and Eve) slander, that over time came to be associated with “Temple” — a temple by way of underground locations of caves, grottos, where pagan activities took place in ancient times. The underground given my family history in minerals, the elements found underground.

The underground symbolism used all the way back in the 4th century, by Constantine and Helen.

Helen who claimed her discovery of the supposed True Cross, in a cave, grotto, some underground-type location.

The so-called discovery, intended not just signify that she discovered something very important, but had purified it too. Hence Helen who became symbol of the one born in immaculate conception, the Virgin Mary. Immaculate, not sullied.

All, leading to my solutions such as ONE MAN ONE WOMAN, LIFE AND THE CHILD, and more. Including to clarify such historic misunderstandings.

Returning to the mantle, the one born of a 13th century mission, to not only defeat the Mongols, but pass on the secret truth of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The human baseline in male, female, as seemed to be misunderstood in Christianity. What constituted the male-female model, was apparently a Jesus monk and his virgin mother. This made no sense.

However was Male, Female not quite solved in the parallel examples of the respective marriages of Alexander III in Russia and the last Queen Empress of Korea, in Korea. Though each represented marriage in their respective nations, something was still missing.

Before going into that explanation, I note that it is now the date of 7/7/2024.

I note the date, since it happens to be the 188th day of the year with 177 days left on the Gregorian calendar.

These are numbers similar to the numbers seen in the time-distance between the Queen’s death and the Last Romanovs (8317 days or 1188 weeks).

However do I note the time-distance between the deaths of the last Korea Queen & Empress, and Tsar Alexander III.

11 months 7 days would not have been a coincidence, given the importance to religions on the number 7, understood by 11 which is an amplifier number (11x7 = 77).

7 the number on which began the Abrahamic faiths in the number of days of Genesis.

Why they were both killed along number 7, are the reasons that would not be make sense until now.

In the 19th century, the last Korea Queen, before she was Queen, was picked to be the wife of the King.

It was not her choice, as she was too young to make such a decision on her own. She was selected because of the overall family she was born into, of the same last name as myself.

I note, the Queen was not from my branch of family, the original from China to Korea, in charge of the minerals-tribute. The Queen was born in a subsequent branch that had settled in the aforementioned city, Yeoju. This branch took more public-prominence in the Joseon era, whereas my family had public roles in the Koryo era.

I say public, since after my ancestor’s trip to the Holy Land, my family operated behind the scenes. To this day, no historian can name an actual source, as to who conducted the minerals tribute to China, though they know it occurred. And yet there is my family, at the most heavily guarded piece of land on the planet. Thus as they say, “do the math.”

Thus as I described, the tribute that also came in the form of payments during war, such as made during my ancestor’s journey to the Holy Land, not just to Templars. Many who declined payment, simply to join my ancestor’s mission, the righteous mission to defeat the Mongols.

The righteous mission as well, to keep a secret, as perhaps only could be figured out by someone of centuries-long family history in finding minerals. The elements of earth that emit energy, and what centuries later would be described in physics, including gravity.

Thus did my ancestor discern that Jesus, if he had walked on water, did so on ice. The remnants of a previous natural era were seen in the Dead Sea, what we’d call, the geologic layers of earth. Thus was it possible the Sea of Galilee had one point, experienced a wholly different kind of natural effect than seen everyday. Indeed, ice.

From here, he discerned a deeper message to Jesus’ walking on water, and it had to do with lessons of Male, Female, and solid and liquid. The elements, how he plainly saw the world, rather than religious designation. The judgments that the religions seemed to make upon people, were a societal response to what were in fact, strategies of survival, e.g., amid disease, starvation, war, injury, overpopulation, extinction, etc.

From these multi-facets, did my ancestor discern answers to society, the culmination which I share here, in One Man, One Woman. And what my ancestor figured out lay at the heart of the Christian religion: that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. Mostly, because the female is as equally valuable to society, as the male. Different, but equal. The simple fact without which human society ceases to thrive, and eventually, the human race ceases to exist.

Thus did I share here, and bit nonchalantly, information otherwise of jaw-dropping nature, and answers some of the biggest mysteries of history. Including the pivotal strategic negotiation that turned the tides, in the Crusades— the secret deal at Acre.

You are reading here, what Indiana Jones types (of real life), grail-searching types, nations, gold and treasure seekers, and billionaires have been seeking for a long time: the mantle of the last Knight Templar. The one they have always known is implicitly tied to questions unanswered about Genesis, Adam and Eve, Jesus and Mary — that is, the correct Mary, the one from Magda. The search for the answers that has given rise to legendary quests such as those of Knight Arthur, Camelot, Parceval and more.

In real life, the quests that drive people to send expeditions to far away lands, such as did the Industrialists, Robber Barons of the late 19th century - and kings and dynasties and warriors and traders and travelers in the centuries before.

While you might find unbelievable that the answers come by way of my ancestors, is the same reason you have not known the family at the 38th parallel.

The long and complicated road of history, summed up in my family’s strategic assets, which are enormous and weighty — and again, all locked away in their history, and how they came to be, in the place no one has walked since 1953. No amount of fame, fortune, billions, political title, can open that gate. It opens only for my family. We, the keepers of a very long history — and a mantle.

The mantle, to fulfill a promise. In the late 19th century, the possibility arose that the mantle could be fulfilled, by parallel royal families, one in Korea, one in Russia.

However was something missing, on the Korea side. The marriage of the future Queen, that had not been her choice. Yet in duty, became a great Queen anyways.

When I was born, a responsibility was passed to me: to find a way to end the Korean War. Not to mention, our family land, trapped behind a DMZ border.

But how? These are the solutions you see here.

Yet along the way, something bigger, greater, inexplicable came to me.

The missing piece, about what this meant personally to me. I, my own person, not just some repeat of the Korea Queen born in the last century.

Thus while 99% of the mantle preceded me, one thing I did not understand — why.

Why was it passed to me — and for instance, why not someone else in my family, and extended family.

Or was it because I was born on the same days as the Queen’s birthday? This didn’t seem like a sufficient reason for something of this scale of importance.

Why, I realized, was also a question when. Meaning, why now. Even within my lifetime, why now.

What amongst all other factors, is present now? And who.

When all things accumulated over centuries and more, seem to lead to one person.

And still, why would I even spend my time, to say this all here?

It is because of the longitude, a quarter turn away in the world from Korea. The line always there, yet until did not have the name I give it today, Cardo Maximus.

The line where histories, and wars and schism and geology were made.

Geology, millions years in the making, and more. The geologic line of the planet, where spring thaw makes mud torrents, and rivers that converge to the Black Sea.

The line of ancient times, when waters receded the opposite direction. Waters that no spring could thaw, because it was ice. The frozen waters as thick as the age that made them, in times we call glacial.

And the earth that went on, rotated, revolved. The peoples who spoke of one moment, a moment so great it spanned generations. When the waters became a great flood, and spilled to new places.

Later, to a place where Constantinople rose on the banks.

Where Helen and her son failed to resolve the waters beyond — in the place they hoped would only be remembered by way of themselves. The Sea they knew signaled a great land even further.

Not northwest to the place already conquered, York. Instead, the direction east, from which came the lessons of one man and one woman, in times of extinction. The direction that pointed north, from where the deluge began.

Thus why now. The line, and longitude, running more north than we realized before. North towards the pole, where is understood the history of the planet. The history frozen in layers - the ones now thawing to the degree we ignored them before. The longitude we learned to ignore after the Schism.

The line we vaguely marked on the globe, as somewhere east of the meridian established by England.

East, the place, and direction, I knew to think about in the first place— especially the place called today, 38th parallel.

The line made by two nations, across Korea. By two seats filled by two persons, due to political position. The WW2 conferences where, before one war had ended, another had already begun.

Thus why now. For politics? To continue the world, just as it was? The same speak, the same dry table? The same councils, and men of position, on and on.

A world where Mary sits on the sidelines. The Mary barely a mother because she falls short of the mother-of-mothers, the one they called immaculately-born, and Virgin.

Yet a mother who carries the world on her shoulders — because through her child or children, does she understand it. A mother thus, that makes no decision lightly.

And neither did this one. What indeed, would compel me to do this?

The world, and the mantle, a mere abstraction, when consumed by the cares and concerns indeed, of being a mother.

Thus what would move her, compel her? That is, would compel me?

What would have compelled Mary too, a long time ago. To re-unite as a family.

The impossibility, however, to fill the seat made empty by Romans. The empty seat in the 2000 years since, but many who tried filling it anyways.

Yet only one who fills it by way of the line, and direction. The line that leads north — and then east.

Only one who summoned the journey, the history —and the world in its breadth, scope and scale. The world understood by the stage spanning furthest in the day-night direction.

The world first understood that way, when Adam went east, to Eden.

The world as Mary, and Eve before her, would understand it too — the world began with a Garden.

The human world. And the one of families. And children.

And what separates families, in their continuance, from all other creatures of earth. Families, by no mere reproduction in offspring and brood.

Family, why Jesus died. How his family was made in the first place. Love.

The reason why we are here. The reason I share all things here, too.

The love of a mother for her child. Love, to not just get us through the day, but cast a line further.

Which came first, I do not know. My ancestors would say it is the mantle.

However did I make a choice, for myself. For love - and the only one for whom I would remember it all.

Briefly before the delineations, the Balfour Declaration.

We recall that on the U.S. State Department website on the topic (the webpage probably not updated from previous Administrations) it is indicated that the British government objected to a Zion state.

However does this contradict the very declaration from which the Zion state began, written on behalf of the British empire. If the letter had been written without their permission, we would not know about it today. And perhaps, Balfour would have long ago had an accident, possibly while riding a train with his family.

Instead, not only did the Balfour letter stick, but the one to whom it was addressed, Walter Rothschild of the London branch of Rothschild, was additionally recognized for his Austrian title — in England.

I conclude the Balfour mention, by pointing out a few dates, and time-distances. The Balfour letter to Rothschild was written / marked by date 11/2/1917.

Counted from the date of death of Alexander III, is 8401 days. Within are the seen the numbers also found in year 1480, when Ivan the Great defeated the Mongols, thereby restoring Kiev to its rightful history. And therefore too, Crimea where Vladimir made his defining conquest.

The Tsar’s death, triggered by a train disaster, when traveling from Crimea to St. Petersburg.

The derailment on October 29, 1888, the 303rd day of the year, of the following time-distance to the date of the Balfour letter:

Within 10595 days, is seen the date when Mary Magdalene was deemed a sinner, 591 AD.

Within 1513 weeks is seen the date of death of Julius Caesar, 3/15 — the word Caesar from which comes the word Tsar.

Should we think this is a coincidence, I point out again, Cambridge where murmurs first began of Zion, in connection to a Jewish state. Cambridge, where Walter Rothschild was not unaware where studied the famous Charles Darwin of the Preservation of the Favoured Races.

Or, it was by sheer coincidence that Cambridge where Walter Rothschild studied zoology, and later catalogued many a plant and animal in taxonomy. As many do not know, when embarking on his famous trip on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin was doing so as a zoologist.

Walter Rothschilds, a zoology student at Cambridge University, from the college called Magdalene:

Finally, the date from which the Balfour letter drew its most important symbolism: 3/22.

3/22, the date when was dismantled the Knights Templar in 1312 AD. The Templar who had established themselves in Jerusalem, and had made themselves the enemy of the Muslims. The entity around which the entire Crusades, came to be signified and symbolized, for the Christians. However, whose story was not told of that time, the Jews.

Thus the Rothschilds picked the date 11/2, to signify a victory over the narrative over which they were excluded. But by way of a new state for the Jews, a new “temple” — hence again, the importance of Templar symbolism, the name derived from the Temple of Solomon.

But why 225 days? The number of days that translates into 5400 hours — the allusion to the rift that prevented a unified picture of Christianity. The year 1054 AD when occurred the Great Schism.

The Schism, triggered by Vladimir and Anna, and in turn, the questions unanswered since Constantine and Helen. And the one around whom Jerusalem is most famous for Christians: Jesus Christ.

Walter Rothschild who knew this, thus attended Magdalene College - the college the named after the one Jesus made his equal, and the Romans who killed him for it.

3/22 the date when Tsar Nicholas II signaled his knowledge of what orchestrations led to that moment.

His knowledge too of his death soon to come, and that of his family, understood by the date assigned by the Bolsheviks - as it was assigned to them. The date that alluded the death of Julius Caesar.

However, in a place far to the east. There where a promise would be fulfilled, Korea. There, unexpectedly yet somehow destined, my grandfather born on 3/22.

A mantle to come — but not yet. The time to come signaled, on his death at 2:25 am.

His death, the moment the mantle passed to me. The only thing left for me to do was find out Why.

Why, the questioned answered above, alluded to in the background.

Now, Delineations of Israel-Palestine. The region that benefits by re-delineation per geo-economic zones, and consolidated zone Overkingdom XIII.

As we see in the Balfour Declaration, the state of Israel that would not have come to be if not in response to the key nation of the League of 3 Emperors. Not Germany as we think but Russia.

Russia, connected to Korea by way of ancient times, 13th century — all the way to the 19th century, and the mantle unfulfilled then.

In the background, the snow and birch, an allusion to those lost journeys and histories, pushed to the sidelines. And the place where lives the one for whom I do this, in solutions.

The birch tree is of special symbolism and importance to the peoples and history of Russia. The birch tree, as I find new taxonomic symbol, as the tree not only thriving in cold areas, but near the water, on shorelines. Thus a north allusion, to the sea fed by the Jordan River, where Jesus walked on water. There on its north shoreline, the city where was born Mary Magdalene.

The birch that lives on the shore —in a far more northern place. The frozen shoreline, yet not so frozen, that peoples could not live there too.

Hence, the birch tree that came to signify in history, the areas that while cold, could still support human life. The birch tree thus, around which societies formed, thus of course, families.

But why in relation to the Israel-Palestine solution, are the reasons just described. Russia, the place from where is understood the glacial age, and its eras in freeze and thaw. The eras that gave rise to the deluge that carved in geology the Black Sea, and then later, where rose Constantinople.

And further south and east, the place just inland from the Mediterranean where springs and Jordan Rivers flow into the Galilee Sea. The regions formed by the same eras - those not in Testament chapters, but played out in ages of ice, and rock and thaw. Those hinted at in Genesis, and later, in the miracle on the water, in fact, frozen water, ice.

Religion that must stand the test of time — and seasons. Including the ones of the planet itself.

The following delineations, thus, based not on the conventional understanding of Christianity, nor for the sake of religion. Paradoxically, are questions of religion answered — but again, not for the sake of “religion” pre se.

One Man One Woman, answers the most difficult questions of the Judaic, Christian and Muslim faiths. The answer which happen to be the answer, applicable to all human beings.

A universal basis from which to re-delineate the area Israel-Palestine (and surround), as follows: